Descriptions PASEF Committees

Community Involvement 
The Committee Involvement Committee aims to facilitate opportunities for involvement of PASEF & its members in service provision, both within the local West Philadelphia community and within the University itself. The Committee explores potential service linkages and the needs that are expressed, identifies PASEF members with possible interest, and develops mechanisms to enable identified members to become involved. Measures for success will include numbers of members who volunteer, completed projects, and satisfaction of volunteer and community groups.

Membership Engagement Committee
The Membership Engagement Committee is charged with the development of new activities for PASEF that are likely to be of continued general interest to its members. Potential new activities may be identified using survey assessments of the membership & other means. The Committee facilitates initiation of new activities and recommends terminating activities when interest declines significantly and/or remains low. Click here to view an initial summary of the 2024 Membership Survey results.

Nominating Committee
As per processes specified in the Bylaws, the Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a ballot annually of PASEF member candidates for the offices of president-elect, secretary, three (or more, when necessary) at-large members of the Council, and the representatives to the Executive Committee of the University Faculty Senate and the University Council Committee on Personnel Benefits.  The Nominating Committee presents its slate of candidates to the Council for approval, normally at the March meeting.

Program Committee
The mission of the Program Committee is to schedule lectures, retirement celebrations, and cultural outings, thereby providing senior and emeritus faculty with opportunities for intellectual discourse and fellowship. The Committee schedules PASEF-sponsored lectures, including luncheon lectures, the Spring and Fall Lectures, and Library lectures.  In addition, the Committee represents PASEF on the Joint Program Committee, which is responsible for activities held jointly with ASEF-PSOM, including the annual retirement celebration and the Fall and Spring outings. 

Speakers Bureau Ad-hoc Committee
The Speakers Bureau Committee monitors and facilitates the activities and further development of the PASEF Speakers Bureau. Each Fall, a letter is sent to the entire PASEF membership inviting them to join the Speakers Bureau and to suggest topics & titles for talks that are likely to be of broad, general interest. Monthly, the Speakers Bureau Committee reviews the numbers of talks given, topical areas offered, and evaluator feedback from speakers/recipients. Based on its ongoing evaluations, the Committee makes recommendations to PASEF Council about options for further development, refinement and/or marketing to potential user groups.

PASEF Library Liaison Role
A PASEF Council member will be appointed annually by the Chair to serve as its liaison to the University’s libraries. The liaison will maintain contact with the Van Pelt Director for Liaison Services to keep abreast of opportunities for PASEF members’ continued learning, consultations, and assistance and will report to Council quarterly. Library service interests and questions from PASEF members will be solicited both formally and informally, including through inclusion of specific items on periodic surveys of the PASEF membership; Council will be alerted to findings that may call for new library services, and the liaison will communicate any recommendations to the Director for Liaison Services. Current links to library webpages indicating resources will be maintained on the PASEF Website.