PASEF Council 2023-2024

PASEF Council
Sherrill L. Adams

Sherrill L. Adams

At-large member of Council;
Faculty Development, Diversity & Equity (SCFDDE) Representative
Dept: Penn Dental, Biochemistry
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Gustavo D. Aguirre

Gustavo D. Aguirre

At-large member of Council
Dept: Clinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine, Penn Vet
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Roger M. A. Allen

Faculty and the Academic Mission (SCOF) Representative;
Former President
Dept: Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, School of Arts & Sciences
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Janice Bellace

Janice Bellace

Chair, Steering Committee
Dept: Legal Studies & Business Ethics, Wharton
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Andrew Binns

Andrew N. Binns

At-large member of Council;
Chair, Program Committee
Dept: Biology, School of Arts & Sciences
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Peter Conn

Peter Conn

Library Liaison
Dept: English, School of Arts & Sciences
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Janet A. Deatrick

Co-Editor, Hitchhiker's Guide to Faculty Retirement;
Representative, Senate Executive Committee;
Former President
Dept: Family and Community Health, Nursing
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Lois Evans

Lois Evans

Former President
Dept: Family and Community Health, Nursing
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Edward I. George

Edward I. George

At-large member of Council
Dept: Statistics and Data Science, Wharton
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Peter J. Kuriloff

Peter J. Kuriloff

University Council Committee on Personnel Benefits Representative
Dept: Graduate School of Education
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Paul Lanken

Paul Lanken

ASEF-PSOM President
Dept: Medicine
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Janice F. Madden

Janice F. Madden

Former President
Dept: Sociology, School of Arts & Sciences
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Mitch Marcus

Mitch Marcus

President Elect;
Chair, Nominating Committee;
Co-Chair, Community Involvement Committee
Dept: Computer and Information Science, Penn Engineering
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Marshall W. Meyer

Marshall W. Meyer

Past President;
Chair, Membership Engagement Committee
Dept: Management, Wharton
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Charles Mooney Jr.

Charles Mooney Jr.

At-large member of Council;
Faculty and the Administration (SCOA) Representative
Dept: Law
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Jack H. Nagel

Former President
Dept: Political Science, School of Arts & Sciences
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Ana Lía Obaid

Ana Lía Obaid

At-large member of Council;
Co-Chair, Community Involvement Committee
Dept: Neuroscience, Penn Medicine
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Ann O'Sullivan

Ann L. O'Sullivan

At-large member of Council
Dept: Family and Community Health, Nursing
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Gerald J. Porter

Gerald J. Porter

Former President
Dept: Mathematics, School of Arts & Sciences
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Martin Pring

Co-Editor, Hitchhiker's Guide to Faculty Retirement
Dept: Physiology, Penn Medicine
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Brian M. Salzberg

Brian M. Salzberg

At-large member of Council
Dept: Neuroscience, Penn Medicine
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Paul Shaman

Paul Shaman

Former President
Dept: Statistics, Wharton
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Neville E. Strumpf

Former President
Dept: Behavioral and Health Sciences, Nursing
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Ross A. Webber

Former President
Dept: Management, Wharton
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Irene Wong

Irene Wong

At-large member of Council;
Students & Educational Policy (SCSEP) Representative
Dept: School of Social Policy & Practice
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